The Copenhagen Programming Languages Workshop Series (CoPLaWS)

CoPLaWS is a series of annual workshops for programming language researchers working in the greater Copenhagen area (DTU, KU, ITU, RUC, but also open to researchers in industry and other institutions). The aim is to get together and learn about each others work. (See all editions of CoPLaWS).


The 2023 edition will take place at ITU, auditorium 4, on Wednesday June 7, and will be a full day event including dinner (at the expense of the participants).

Invited Speaker

Thomas Hamelryck

Title: Deep probabilistic programming: a new paradigm in machine learning

Abstract: Deep probabilistic programming (DPP) combines the scope offered by deep learning with the principled treatment of uncertainty offered by Bayesian statistics. This is an important development in machine learning as overly confident predictions are disastrous for many machine learning / AI applications in engineering and biomedicine. I will give an overview of what deep probabilistic programming is about, provide some example applications from DIKU’s probabilistic programming group, and point out how DPP can benefit from PL research.


9:00 Welcome

9:10 Morten Rhiger. Type-Based Uncurrying for Unknown Function Calls

9:35 Torben Ægidius Mogensen. Reversible Array Programming

10:00 Martin Elsman. Programming with Explicit Effects in ReML

10:25 Coffee Break

10:55 Patrick Bahr and Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg. Asynchronous Functional Reactive Programming with Modal Types

11:20 Fritz Henglein and Markus Krabbe Larsen. Combinatory adjoints and derivatives

11:45 Andrzej Filinski, Thomas P. Jensen and Ken Friis Larsen. PER-Hoare Logic for Information Flow Control

12:10 Lunch

13:30 Radoslaw Rowicki. Developing a smart contract language

13:55 Dawit Tirore, Jesper Bengtson and Marco Carbone. A Sound and Complete Projection for Global Types

14:20 Jens Kanstrup Larsen, Alceste Scalas, Philipp Haller and Roberto Guanciale. Safe and Secure Software-Defined Networks in P4

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 Raúl Pardo, Willard Rafnsson, Christian W Probst, and Andrzej Wąsowski. Privugger: A Data Privacy Debugger

15:40 Jørgen Villadsen. ProofBuddy. A Web Interface for the Isabelle Proof Assistant

16:05 Rodrigo Laigner and Yongluan Zhou. Escaping the black-box paradigm: rethinking DBMS APIs for safer data-intensive applications

16:30 Break

16:50 [Invited Speaker] Thomas Hamelryck: Deep probabilistic programming: a new paradigm in machine learning

17:40 End of Scientific Programme

19:00 Dinner at Madklubben Amager

Call for Talks

We invite proposals for 20-minute talks for the workshop. Since there are many programming language researchers in Copenhagen, it is likely that we will get more talk proposals than can fit in a day. In that event, the talks will be selected by the organisers based on a light reviewing process. We will aim for diversity in topics and institutions represented.

Talk proposals should consist of a title and a one paragraph abstract. No need to submit any PDF.


Please, fill this form for registering

Deadline: 24 May 2023
